Archive for April, 2020

  • Group of people holding hands stood on a branch


    Ethiopia is a beautiful and diverse country with so much to explore. I first came to Ethiopia for a weeklong work trip, where I didn’t see much other than the hotel and the office. I then returned for another work trip, this time for a month, where I was able to get out and explore, and I started to fall in love with the country.

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  • Chris Healey posing in Havana street

    How Not To Travel To Havana

    In this blog post, I’ll be recalling my experience in Cuba and touching on some lessons that we learned the hard way so that you hopefully don’t fall into the same mistakes. It was the summer of 2017 and I’d just finished my 2nd summer working at a camp in Upstate New York. After working at camp, the staff tend to split off and spend time travelling with friends with the money earned over the summer.

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  • Photo frame with boats by the beach

    Living with New Boundaries in 2020

    I would like to share the following thoughts and feelings during this change. I hope it helps in some way. Please take what you need and leave the rest.
    It is perfectly normal to feel unhappy and lost with our current situation; you should allow plenty of room for mental adjustment. Take this as a positive, you are not in denial but learning to deal with a new way of living day by day. Every day it will become easier.

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