Our travel guide for 2021
2020 left a lot to be desired when it came to travel. The coronavirus situation put a temporary end to many people’s holiday plans, but there is hope that in 2021 we will be able to get back to doing what we love and exploring the world. The travel industry needs all the help it can get to rebuild, and we hope this guide will provide you with the key safety information required so that you can travel safely when destinations open-up again.
Should you travel right now?
Whether or not travelling is the right thing to do currently depends on the restrictions that have been put in place in your local area. Check your government website to see what forms of travel are permitted. The best possible travel tip we can give you is to stick to the rules so that yourself, and others, can stay as safe as possible.

Consider booking your holiday during an off-season period.
This year you can expect the summer and winter periods to be considerably more busy than usual, as for many people it will be their first chance to travel again since the coronavirus saga began. Many travel agencies are also offering discounts on holiday prices in order to get back on their feet financially.
We recommend planning your trip for the off-season, as there will be considerably less tourists around, meaning that you can enjoy the attractions you visit without having to worry about huge crowds. Tour Radar have put together a great calendar that shows you the off-season period depending on the place you are going to, which can be found here.

Be responsible, for yourself and others.
This means following the COVID-19 safety guidelines put in place by your travel operator. Some tips for being responsible include keeping a safe distance from other people, wearing a mask when out in public and washing your hands frequently to minimise potential spread. It’s great to carry around a small bottle of hand sanitiser with you, so you don’t have to worry about using public toilets as much. Reusable face masks are also a better alternative to disposable ones and people are less likely to throw them away. It is just as important to be responsible for the environment whilst travelling too!
Make sure whatever you book has strong COVID guidelines in place.
Whether it’s hotels or activities, make sure the company has solid a solid plan in place to keep everyone safe – their COVID policy should be clearly stated on the front page of their website. Prioritise hotels that offer to regularly deep clean your room or airlines that keep middle seats intentionally vacant to help people remain distanced.
We have been living in the coronavirus era for over a year now, so many businesses have had time to develop thorough guidelines that can maximise your safety. It is also recommended to have a COVID test upon arriving at your destination and also upon returning to your home country. If you do test positive, make sure to isolate yourself as required.

Consider going on a staycation or travelling to somewhere that you can drive to.
Visiting somewhere you can travel to independently might become a lot more common in the future of travel. If everyone in the vehicle is from the same household, then you can be confident that the risk of catching anything is minimal. Whilst using public transport is more sustainable and generally cheaper, being surrounded by other people in such an enclosed space greatly increases the risk of passing on infection.
If the idea of a staycation appeals to you, check out our staycation blog where we discuss the advantages over a conventional holiday.

We hope this year will bring new and exciting travel opportunities for everyone, and although we are all eager to get back out there and explore the world, it is important to stay healthy and only travel when it is safe and legal to do so. This year has the potential to be a very exciting year for travel, as many businesses within the industry look to get back on their feet, and We hope this guide is helpful in giving you the confidence to book a holiday this year. As always, safer travels.
Written by Joe Corfield.