Psychology Prize 2014
A Level Psychology student Samantha Keenaghan has been awarded the Caroline’s Rainbow Foundation Psychology prize at York College this year. The prize is presented each year in memory of former College student, Caroline Stuttle, who was murdered during her gap year in Australia (2002). Caroline’s mother Marjorie Marks-Stuttle presented 18-year-old Samantha with a certificate and a token.
Samantha is a former pupil at Manor CE Academy, studying A Levels in Psychology, Sociology, Human Biology and French, as well as completing an Extended Project Qualification. She is eagerly awaiting her A Level results and hopes to progress to study a degree in Psychology at Durham University.
Psychology tutor Andrew Higgs says: “From day one, Samantha has shown enthusiasm and quiet determination, blossoming into an outstanding student of psychology. She has been a pleasure to teach and I cannot think of a more deserving student to receive the Caroline’s Rainbow Foundation Psychology Prize.”

Samantha was delighted to be chosen to be this year’s prize winner, saying: “When I came to College, I was excited to start studying Psychology – it was a brand new subject for me. I love that the subject deals with human behaviour and I enjoy seeing how theories can be applied to human life. My tutors have been fabulous; even though College has an independent learning environment, they have always been there to offer support if needed. In the future, I’m interested to work in clinical psychology, maybe working in hospitals.”
Marjorie Marks-Stuttle said: “Like Samantha, my daughter loved studying Psychology at York College and intended going to university to study the subject further. I am pleased to be able to present Samantha with this award on behalf of Caroline’s Rainbow Foundation, which in some small way will enable her to pursue a degree in the subject.”