Safety Tips

Safety Tips

Travel Tips and Advice from Experienced Travellers and Travel Companies

Safety Tips & Advice

The most important part of any travelling adventure is returning safely. Please have a look at our safety tips and travel advice from experienced travellers who have kindly shared what they have learnt from their travelling adventures.

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”

If you have travel safety advice you would like to share please get in touch.

Travelling is a blessing, to have the knowledge to see the world in a safe and secure environment means you can travel with confidence.

  • Group drinking together

    What To Do If You Have Been Spiked

    Everyone is aware of their personal tolerance to alcohol so if you feel odd, nauseous, tipsy or wasted and you know that you cannot be drunk, it is possible that your drink has been spiked with either drugs or alcohol.

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  • People sat in an aeroplane

    If Things Go Wrong

    The first thing to remember is DON’T PANIC. If you discover that your bag is lost or stolen you should: Report your credit cards as being lost or stolen to your bank.

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  • Woman standing on rock looking at water

    Girls Travel Tips

    Girls’ Travel Club was started by Becci Coombes, following two long trips backpacking around the world. She wrote a journal full of tips, recipes, anecdotes and bad jokes while she was travelling and kept notes of all the remedies she found useful.

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  • Camera, compass and map

    Gap Year Insurance Tips

    Emergency Medical Expenses covers Emergency treatment and gets you home if necessary. Make sure you have this cover, if nothing else. If you have a medical condition(s), do tell the Insurance Company.

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  • Woman sat looking out over water

    Female Travel Advice

    Although some of us live in an equal society, many people in the world do not and in some places, women are treated quite differently from men.

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